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Employment disputes

Employment disputes

Employment disputes encompass a wide variety of matters, including:

  • Bullying and harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Constructive dismissal
  • General protections claims
  • Allegations of sexual harassment
  • Sham redundancies
  • Sham contractor arrangements

The most common types of employment disputes relate to unfair dismissal and sham redundancies.

Unfair dismissals are the unfairly harsh or unreasonable dismissal of an employee by an employer.

Sham redundancies are where employers dismiss employees on the grounds that the job is no longer required to be performed but, in reality, it is not the real or predominant reason for wishing to let the employee go.

The area of the law relating to employment disputes is complex and there can be strict time limits within which to act. Our lawyers can help you to resolve your matter at any stage of the process. However, it is always best to speak with us as early on as possible to enable us to provide you with the best assistance, strategy and advice which will help you to achieve your objectives in a commercially sensible way.

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