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District & Supreme Court Trials

District & Supreme Court Trials

The more serious criminal offences (also known as indictable offences) in NSW are determined in the District or Supreme Court. An accused person is generally required to indicate whether they plead ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’. The legal processes within these Courts are based upon the plea of the accused person.

If an accused person pleads ‘not guilty’ then the matter proceeds to trial. The matter will most likely proceed to a criminal trial by jury, unless the accused person applies for the matter to be heard by the Judge alone.

A vital step in preparation for trial is working with your Criminal Defence team to familiarise yourself with the legal processes, procedures and requirements. With your defence in mind, our Criminal Law experts will work with you throughout the trial process, and are readily available at all stages.

If you or someone you know is looking to defend Criminal charges, speak to one of our expert Criminal Lawyers today.

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