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Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination

It is more critical than ever that employers ensure workplaces are free from workplace, bullying, and all forms of discrimination and harassment.

Not only must employers act on these matters when they occur, they must also ensure they are preventing and eliminating sexual harassment and other psychosocial hazards, like workplace bullying, before it happens.

Our team of employment lawyers can assist your business in navigating these complex issues.

Some of the services our team can provide include:

  • Conducting workplace audits to identify psychosocial hazards
  • Develop mechanisms for hazard elimination and management
  • Provide training to help identify and manage bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Develop or review workplace policies and contracts
  • Provide advice on complaints
  • Conduct workplace investigations or provide advice on investigations that have been conducted.

Our Employment Law Partner is a leader in the Respect@Work reforms and the new positive duty to eliminate sexual harassment, having worked on the idea from its inception through the production of submissions on the law and required reforms. As a consequence, our team is uniquely positioned to help you ensure compliance with the duty to prevent sexual harassment including through:

  • Board training
  • Senior leader workshops
  • A compliant policy and
  • A risk and prevention plan,

As required under the new Australian Human Rights Commission Guidelines.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business with the new positive duties, bullying, harassment and discrimination matters. Top of Form

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